Wednesday 19 June 2024

Reading Assembly - This week, a robot finds a bluebird and a boy rescues a cub!



This week in KS1, Miss Nur read "The Robot and the Bluebird".
This book tells the story of a Robot with a broken heart and a
migrating Bluebird that lands on his shoulder. 

You will find this book on the Year 2 105 book list,

which you can see here. 

In KS2, Miss Greenwood read "The Butterfly Lion".

This book is about a boy named Bertie who

rescues an orphaned white lion cub.

The pair are inseparable - until Bertie is sent to boarding

school far away in England and the lion is sold to a circus. 

This book features on the Year 6 105 book list,

which you can see here. 

105 Books Reading Achievements

Well done to Olaf who has read five books

and earned his Bronze Certificate.


Well done to Alexandra and Aiza who have read 10 books

and earned their Silver Certificates.

Well done to Osman who has read all 15 books, earning his

Gold Certificate and completing his tracker.

Well done to all!

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