Wednesday 5 June 2024

Reading Assembly - This week, a boy wakes up to find that things are not like normal!



In KS2, Mrs Whiten read "Bill's New Frock". This book tells the story of Bill, who wakes up to find that he's a girl, and worse, his mother makes him wear a frilly pink dress to school. How on earth is he going to survive a whole day like this?
This book features on the Year 5 105 book list here

105 Books Reading Achievements

Well done to Alayah, Alexandra and Ahmad who have read five books and earned their Bronze Certificates.
Well done to Ashton, Khushbakht and Manreet who have read 10 books and earned their Silver Certificates.

Well done to Maya P, Ashar, Roza, Antonina, Ashton, Jessica, Khushbakht, Ipsa, Callissya, George and Eason who have read all 15 books, earning their Gold Certificates and completing their trackers.

Well done to all!

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