Monday 17 June 2024

Broadford Library Weekly Newsletter - 17/06/24


Welcome to the Broadford Library Weekly Newsletter! 
Each week, we will be bringing you a look back on the previous week in the library, including the fun that our lunchtime library clubs have had, new books, children's book reviews, library displays and much more! 
~ Miss Flower and Mrs Jobber, Librarians & Reading Champions ~

Lunchtime library clubs
Last week, our two Library lunchtime clubs listened to some stories about father figures and made beautiful cards for Father's Day.

Library displays
We celebrated the start of the Euro 2024 football tournament last week, with a fab display of football-themed resources available in the library.

New in the library
Thanks to our Year 1 Spinebreakers, we were able to add lots more wonderful new picture books to our library collection.

If you have any books at home that you no longer need or your children have outgrown, please give them to your child to bring into the library. Thank you.

Book reviews
Zayd in Year 4 had a great time reading Marcus Rashford's The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Ghoul in the School. He gave it the maximum 5 stars!

Visitors to the library
Last week, some lucky visitors to the library had great fun choosing a surprise book to borrow from our Mystery Book box. They were all very excited to unwrap them at home and see what book they had chosen to borrow!

Last Thursday, our Year 1 Spinebreakers had an exciting trip to Waterstones bookshop where they purchased a selection of wonderful new books for the library. They were then treated to delicious hot chocolates and yummy cakes in the W cafe!

105 Books reading achievements

Well done to Albie, Abrish and Jayden who have read five books and earned their Bronze Certificates.

 Well done to Harry who has read 10 books and earned his Silver Certificate.

Well done to Harry, Chloe, Nyasa, Manreet and George who have read all 15 books, earning their Gold Certificates and completing their trackers.

Well done to all!

You can find the books from the 105 Books list for your child's year group here:

Urgent request - Returning borrowed library books
We have had lots of lovely new books added to the library collection over the past couple of months but, unfortunately, many of them have been borrowed by children and never returned to the library. Please can you check at home to see if you have any Broadford library books (stamped inside/Broadford logo attached). If you do, please pass them to your child to return to the library asap. Thank you.

Did you know that we have a Broadford Library Instagram page? Click here to follow us! 

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