Wednesday 12 June 2024

Broadford Library Weekly Newsletter - 10/06/24


Welcome to the first Broadford Library Weekly Newsletter! 
Each week, we will be bringing you a look back on the previous week in the library, including the fun that our lunchtime library clubs have had, new books, children's book reviews, library displays and much more! 
~ Miss Flower and Mrs Jobber, Librarians & Reading Champions ~

Lunchtime library clubs
Last week, our two Library lunchtime clubs were full of creativity making brilliant bookmarks to use in their favourite books.

Library displays
We celebrated World Environment Day last week, with a lovely display of resources available in the library.

New in the library
Last week, we were very fortunate to be donated lots of wonderful books, including classics by Roald Dahl and modern favourites by David Walliams. Many of them have already been borrowed and enjoyed by the children. 
If you have any books at home that you no longer need or your children have outgrown, please give them to your child to bring into the library. Thank you.

Book reviews
Hope in Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed reading Isadora Moon and the Shooting Star - she gave it 5 stars!

Visitors to the library
Last week, some of our lovely children from Nursery came to visit the library. They enjoyed listening to stories and had a great time acting some of them out with our puppet theatre.

Coming up this week, on 13 June, our Year 1 Spinebreakers will be heading to Waterstones bookshop to purchase a selection of new books for the library.

105 Books reading achievements

Well done to Alayah, Alexandra and Ahmad who have read five books and earned their Bronze Certificates.

 Well done to Ashton, Khushbakht and Manreet who have read 10 books and earned their Silver Certificates.

Well done to Maya P, Ashar, Roza, Antonina, Ashton, Jessica, Khushbakht, Ipsa, Callissya, George and Eason who have read all 15 books, earning their Gold Certificates and completing their trackers.

Well done to all!

You can find the books from the 105 Books list for your child's year group here:

Did you know that we have a Broadford Library Instagram page? Click here to follow us! 

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