Tuesday 11 June 2024

Reading Assembly - This week, a girl's necklace is stolen, and how Britain came to rule the colonies!


This week in KS1, Miss Harman read "A Necklace of Raindrops". This book tells the story of a girl who is distressed to take off her necklace, and even more so when she discovers that it has been stolen. 

You will find this book on the Year 2 105 book list, which you can see here. 

In KS2, Miss Munnelly read "The British Empire". Find out how Britain came to rule around 458 million people around the world and what life was like for the people of these colonies. 

This book features on the Year 6 105 book list, which you can see here. 

105 Books Reading Achievements

Well done to Albie, Jayden and Abrish who have read five books and earned their Bronze Certificate.
Well done to Harry who has read 10 books and earned his Silver Certificate.

Well done to Harry, Chloe, Nyasa, Manreet and George who have read all 15 books, earning their Gold Certificates and completing their trackers.

Well done to all!

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