Thursday 19 September 2024

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford Primary


At Broadford, we aim to encourage a love of reading. By providing our pupils with quality texts and introducing them to strong characters and identifiable themes, we can broaden their perspectives of the world around them. This is why we have our 105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford. This system is in addition to the regular reading books that are sent home weekly.

There are 15 books per year group. Each year, pupils can earn their Bronze, Silver and Gold reading certificates along their reading journey. By the time they leave us in Year 6, they would have made their way through a great list of books, from children’s classics to contemporary new reads. 

It may be that you sit and read these books with your child, or they read them independently. We have many of these books in the school library for the children to borrow. You could also visit your local library to borrow titles from the list, or search for audio/ebook versions online.

*Tracking your child’s reading journey*
A tracker poster was sent home with each child before the Summer holidays. You can use the tracker to keep your own record at home of what your child has read. Once they read one of the 15 books, please clearly make a note of it in their white Reading Record book - see examples of how:

Your child’s progress can then be logged at school and certificates will be given for reading five, 10 and all 15 books from the list.

Here are all of the year group books:


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Please email Miss Flower and Mrs Jobber if you are looking for one of the '105 Books to Read', with your child's full name and class.

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