Thursday 11 July 2024

The Story Scrapbook completes its journey!


The Story Scrapbook has had a busy few weeks! 

First, it was delivered to Birch class in Year 6 for the week. The class chose The Final Year by Matt Goodfellow as their theme and produced a lovely display! Nevaeh and Adu, Birch class Spinebreakers, then returned the Story Scrapbook to the library before delivering it to Rowan class in Year 2 for their turn. 

Then, Iustin and Zyana, Rowan class Spinebreakers, returned the Story Scrapbook to the library after Rowan class in Year 2 had created some wonderful artwork on their chosen theme of Chocolate Planet by Beverly Brumfield for their display. Iustin and Zyana then delivered the Story Scrapbook to Nursery for their turn. 

Lastly, Prisha, Ronnie and Matei from Nursery returned the Story Scrapbook to the library. Nursery had produced a very creative display on their chosen theme of Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae & David Wojtowycz.

That completes the Story Scrapbook's journey around the classes for this school year. We look forward to seeing what imaginative displays will be created when we return in September!

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