Tuesday 2 July 2024

Reading Assembly - This week, a boy owns a moose!


In KS2 this week, Miss Jewell read "This Moose Belongs to Me". This book tells the story of Wilfred who owns a moose called Marcel...or does he?!

This book features on the Year 3 105 book list, which you can see here

105 Books Reading Achievements

Well done to Lucas and Elsie who have read all 15 books, earning their Gold Certificates and completing their trackers.

Well done to all!

Monday 1 July 2024

Broadford Library Weekly Newsletter - 01/07/24


Welcome to the Broadford Library Weekly Newsletter! 
Each week, we will be bringing you a look back on the previous week in the library, including the fun that our lunchtime library clubs have had, new books, children's book reviews, library displays and much more! 
~ Miss Flower and Mrs Jobber, Librarians & Reading Champions ~

Lunchtime library clubs
Last week, our two Library lunchtime clubs had great fun celebrating Insect Week! They did a minibeasts hunt around the library, produced some lovely artwork, solved word searches and listened to some insect-themed stories. 

Library displays
We celebrated Insect Week in the library last week, with a lovely display of relevant resources.

New in the library
Occasionally, books are returned to the library in a bit of a sorry state, with missing or torn pages or other damage. This is why we have introduced the Book Hospital! Please return any damaged books to the box and we will do our best to repair them for other children to enjoy again.

This book was returned completely missing its cover!

We repaired it by creating a whole new cover and it has since been enjoyed by children again.

Book reviews
Albie in Year 1 was very excited to borrow a library book to enjoy reading at home. He chose School Gremlins. The book made him feel happy. 

Visitors to the library
Last week, we had some of our youngest visitors from Nursery who came to the library to share stories with Theo, our visiting Reading Dog.

Last week, Nevaeh and Adu, Birch class Spinebreakers, returned the Story Scrapbook to the library after Birch class in Year 6 had created some wonderful artwork on their chosen theme of The Final Year for their display. Nevaeh and Adu then delivered the Story Scrapbook to Rowan class in Year 2 for their turn. We look forward to seeing what Rowan class will choose to do!

105 Books reading achievements

Well done to Darcie and Emmy who have read five books and earned their Bronze Certificates.

Well done to Emma who has read all 15 books, earning her Gold Certificate and completing her tracker.

Well done to all!

You can find the books from the 105 Books list for your child's year group here:

Urgent request - Returning borrowed library books
We have had lots of lovely new books added to the library collection over the past couple of months but, unfortunately, many of them have been borrowed by children and never returned to the library. Please can you check at home to see if you have any Broadford library books (stamped inside/Broadford logo attached). If you do, please pass them to your child to return to the library asap, where our Book Monster is waiting to eat them! Thank you. 

Did you know that we have a Broadford Library Instagram page? Click here to follow us!